Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday Nights

Work today was a lil busy. Sample sales going on and all.
Tired and annoyed at times with some people there.
The only thing that motivates me to go through this day was after work.

Dinner and movie with the boy. [:
Pepperlunch for dinner. Salmon, yum tum tum.

Watched 23:59. It's scary but funny at the same time.
Anyway, the movie starts at 9:30pm. We had nothing to do from 8:30pm onwards.
So, decided to head to school for awhile. *Private concert* :]
Didnt realize that we're gonna be late for the show.

So 9:30-9:43pm.

We started running from school to Plaza Sing.
Like literally running, dashing across the road and all.
Some marathon challenge. Hahahaha. See who reaches the cinema first.
People staring at us like one kind. So funny...

But we got there just in time. Like 1min before it start. Omg.

Okay, I'm sleepy already. Goodnight. Another round of fatty food tomorrow. :]
Till then.