Friday, November 19, 2010


Look who has short fringe :8\


Rmb TaeYeon from SNSD had this two ponytails hairstyle in the 'Into the new world' live video 2010. Wahaha!

Actually right.......I wanted to trim abit only!! Cos I dont want a BANGS!! But, k lor, dont want dont want dont want, damn geikiang cut til so short. Well done pris. ]:8) hahaha this smiley like cute.

Waiting for baby to come pick me up, but he just text me he bth the heat, so....cut hair tooo! Wahaha. Champion alr.

HARRY POTTER LATER! And i wanna eat my pasta asap omg!! Hehehe. Poastas remid me of Jolynnwt! Muacks. :8)

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