Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inception 2

Hokay!! Like finally!! All the pictures are all up. It took like freaking two days.
Hahahaha! Issit photobucket all like that? Or is it just mine? :(
If like that, I wanna change to Flickr alr.

Not alot of pictures but yup....

So anyway, Baby skipped school today due to the "bo bian, must nua at home" weather this morning.
Heheheheh, so we met for brunch at Iluma, cos he wanted Koi. I hate it! x 100! :@
Like so lame, "Level of sugar?" o.o Oooops! No offense. KoiLover_s :)
Love their FFN there. The noodles are like....YUM YUM. Best.
Hehehehehehehehe! But I cant finish. -.-

Caught Inception again for the second time cos the first time, both of us fell asleep.
And this time, without fail, I fell asleep A.G.A.I.N! Zzz.
Idk? Cos the theater was frigging cold like in the freezer.

Thank god for a mini nerd boyfriend. Hahaha. He explained the whole movie to me.
The movies very cooooooool~
Dreams into dreams. So many level.
I still thought it's a real story. LOL!!!!!
MAJOR (-.-)!!!

Off to Somerset to meet a buyer. :)
And 2nd movie was...
Ratings: 3.5
What an exciting movie.

I still thought it's some kind of Zombie attack show.
Hmmm, but it's not. :) It's not bad.

Home sweet home cos it's a school day for baby.
And a nothing to do day for me.

That's all!
