Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Rainy Days


So hate to blog without pictures. But if never blog, later people think I mia.
Hahahahaha. Hokey pokey! Anyways, yesterday's movie marathon with Babylove.
Wheeehehe~ Stayed indoors for the whole 4hours.
First, we watched Ju-on Black black.
Ratings: Watch if only you want to laugh/scare yourself.
I dont know for some people, but for me, I find it damn funny.
Okay luh, I'm like sick in the brain or something right?
Really not scary? Babylove, trembling, using the potato chips to cover his eyes.
Hahahahaha, yup this time I sneaked in Lays. Muaheehee.

Next, was My Rainy Days.

Ratings: Best love/comedy Japanese show I've ever watch?
I bet you all dirt minded people think it's some r.a movie right.
It's not hor! Go watch. Emotional people like me, can cry while watching it.
Oooooh, I never cry cos i act strong. Muaheehee. >:'oD
Nozomi Sasaki (the lead actress) super super hot! o.o
Wanna be skinny like her. D: Hehehehe.
Okay we all know what it means. It means, talk only, but never work hard to slim down one.

Eh but then, I found a Nike running shoes, damn nice.
I think if my mother buy, I will go running every alternate days.
Hehehehehe, Super neon pink please. :D
Love at first sight.

Today, big feast dinner with Babyloveydovey. (:
Seoul Garden. Muaheehee. >:o]
2hours buffet. Woah, I was damn full.
Kena force to eat Peppermint ice cream.
Mad hate that flavour. So disgusting and minty.
Why would people wanna eat that? Some more green color.
Y.U.C.K.S Hehehe no offence la hor! ;D

Window shop and spending as much time as possible.
Cause, the boyfriend's gonna be a nerd.
School's starting tmr for him. D:

Okay I'm gon' hit the sack now.
Mad tired please. ):
Those who are having school tmr or soon,
PLEASE SLEEP EARLY OKAY. , you're also one of them ok. >:[
Start to sleep early. Bet all your body clock screwed ttm already.
Just like mine! :O


P/s: Because you never ever failed to make me happy with your
"1millions of making your girlfriend happy" tactics.
Hahahahaha. Love you sillybilly head.
Shall see you tmr. SLEEP EARLY. STOP DOTA-ING. >:o]B